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With today's pace of life, it is becoming more difficult to go by without missing some important dates. Schedulers may help but are not always convenient. When you set your alarm for 6:00am then that is the time when it will go off whether you had enough sleep or not. This is fine because that is also the time when you want to wake-up whether or not you are still tired. Schedulers work the same way; they go off at predetermined time whether you are ready for them or not. This is also fine for events requiring immediate attention but can be quite annoying for events that do not require this kind of attention.

If you are very busy completing an urgent task then right now might not be the best time to remind you of other important but not urgent matters. For example, if you are in the middle of completing an important report to be presented at the board of directors' meeting starting in fifteen minutes then right now is probably not a very good time to remind you that the tickets to see your favorite group in concert are going on sale today.

But when is the best time to remind you of such events that are important but not requiring immediate attention? Perhaps when checking your emails could be it. Most people check their emails when they are not in the middle of doing something urgent. This is one reason why you may want to use a free reminder service like PopReminder. Schedulers can be very annoying for reminding you of important things not requiring immediate attention. Email reminders on the other hand will only remind you when you have this little extra time.

Another reason for using PopReminder is that it is completely free. It cost nothing to setup your free PopReminder account; no setup fee, no usage fee, no hidden fee whatsoever, no credit number or bank account number to give. Not enough good things are free today. So why not take advantage of this one?

When you start using PopReminder, you find more and more occasions for using the service. Following is a list of occasions where you may find the PopReminder service useful. If you think of some other good occasions that would fit well in this list, don't hesitate to send a note to popreminder@felitec.com and we'll gladly include them.

  • Anniversaries (birthday, wedding, statutory holiday, etc.)
  • Car maintenance (oil changes, inspections, etc.)
  • Computer maintenance (backup time, virus scanning, cleaning, etc.)
  • Maintenance for anything else you can think of
  • Follow-ups
  • Special events
  • Meetings
  • Last day for paying an invoice without penalty
  • Date when tickets for a special event are going on sale
  • Date when a sale starts or ends
  • Appointments (dentist, doctor, etc.)
  • Last date to cancel a service that was free only for a given period of time but that you will have to pay for if you don't cancel on time
  • Date for sending a repetitive invoice
As you can see there are a number of reasons for using PopReminder and you might have already thought of some others that are not even included in this list.

So why not setup your new PopReminder account now and start enjoying the freedom of never having to worry about missing an important date again. From now on, all you need to remember is PopReminder.

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